Sunday, 23 September 2012

Starting University

On the 17th of September I started my journey towards a degree.
It was induction week at Kingston University, got to admit, it was fairly boring.

But during the week I had a long think about what it is I want to do. I love drama, music and the arts. But am I the right person to be taking on a career like this?
No was the conclusion I came too.

I love acting, I love singing and being there in the limelight. But how often will that happen being in that career, thousands maybe millions of people want to pursue a career in acting/singing and I am not ready to be in those thousands. I am not saying I am 'giving up', far from it. When/If my passion comes to the forefront of my life I will go out there and attack any audition I can get. Until then my logic has taken over and I decided to change my degree course entirely...

Instead of Drama and Politics I have decided to go for English Literature and Politics. My love of writing has come at a later age because the pressure has been lifted of NEEDING to write, and it comes to WANTING to write.

I know at degree level the pressure will be back on, and this time tripled in amount but I am up for the challenge!
Saying it now the gap year I took was well needed, I didn't rush into anything and now I have had a look back at myself I know I needed a safety net.

However, whatever your dream is I suggest if you have that passion/drive for the subject or career, for god sake do not waste it and go for it. Even if you think its impossible, in my life time of nearly 20 years if I have learnt anything it is that nothings impossible!

For god sake I'm nothing special and I have sung in English National Opera, been in a TV advert, had multiple retail jobs the most recent being Buckingham Palace, written and review for the Royal Albert Hall and now I am going to university to study English Literature when I didn't even take it at A-level!
I think as the saying goes 'The proof is in the pudding' !

Onto another issue, one of my big worries about starting university was making friends...
As I am not living in halls or near the campus this is going to be a difficult situation for myself.
However, I have met a couple of people in my Politics class that are 'my cup of tea' as people say. They have a high level of intelligence, are that little bit older and respect learning.
Hopefully I can keep up with social aspects as well as learning but I know that will be a challenge.

I am one of those people who acts differently with different company or in different situations. So if people are having fun, I will. If people are studying I will get in that mind set so on and so forth.

Anyway, to wrap things up I can not wait to extend my knowledge of literature and English vocabulary. Maybe one day I will be in the publishing business (here's hoping!)

Like I always say I love opinions and comments..

Leave one!

Ciao for now. 

Friday, 14 September 2012

My review has been published!

The review I blogged earlier has now been officially published on the Albert Hall website, it has been shortened a tad but who cares!

Check it outtttttt!

Officially been published ;)

Feel a sense a accomplishment!


Tuesday, 11 September 2012

The BBC Proms

Well the other day I actually won a competition...
It was the review the BBC Proms, cool I know! haha

But anyway I thought I would post the finished article on here as well for you to give your opinions and thoughts :)

My Royal night at the BBC Proms

Last Friday (The 7th of September) was mine and my partner’s first trip to ‘The Royal Albert Hall’ to see the BBC Proms.
In fact, to be more specific it was Prom 75: The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra performing Haydn’s symphony number 107 and Strauss’s Alpine symphony.

On arrival to the hall I was lost for words, approaching this vast beauty of architecture. The dome shaped building with all its grandeur was utterly breath taking. We entered the main entrance to collect our tickets, and then headed to our seats. All of the staff were extremely friendly and well mannered.

Entering the hall was again an experience in itself, the hall was illuminated with coloured lights and decorative banners which told us we certainly had arrived at the proms.
The tension of pre-performance wasn’t a long one as we sat down and discussed the beauty of our surroundings the lights dimmed and the orchestra appeared from the side of the stage.
They were welcomed of course with a warm round of applause and then were seated ready to tune up and begin. The conductor Bernard Haitink entered with grace and poise well prepared to start Haydn’s last ever symphony entitled ‘London’; Quite fitting for the location! The air began to fill with a slow simple melody which slowly injected its way around the circular hall. The tension of the piece slowly built with crescendos and healthy harmonies slowly arising. The mellow vibrancy and simple melodic phrases only found in classical works such as Haydn or of course Mozart. This was 30 minutes of mellow music with a string dominated orchestra just characteristic of the classical period, which I think is just charming. At the end the orchestra were again welcomed by a colossal round of applause, which was well deserved.

The lights arose and the interval began, we decided to take a wonder around the halls and admire the pictures of celebrities who have played in this wondrous hall. We then headed to get a bottle of water which took a while because of the queues, and then returned for the second half.

As we walked in the setting of the stage had changed to accommodate the full orchestra needed for a Strauss Symphony.
The same round of applause was used to greet them once more and we began. The mood had definitely changed as we have moved on through music history into the late romantic period. The full orchestra took us out of our seats and astounded us. The addition of the wind and percussion section just added a fuller sound in which everyone could appreciate. These 50 minutes of Strauss told a story and the ups and downs kept me seduced the whole way through.
When the whole event was finished the orchestra was met by astronomical applause and admiration for their superb playing. In fact this caused the conductor to go on and off stage several times and then to my surprise an encore was played!

Such a fantastic night and reminded me that the sophistication and regal atmosphere is why the Royal albert hall remains one of the top music venues.
It certainly put the ‘Royal’ into the Albert hall.

Written by Sophie Ogden

There it is for you, hope you enjoy it!

Also here are a few pics I took;

Me and the boyfriend looking smart!
 I know I haven't blogged in a while, I will do soon and I am starting University so might have a few bits to write about!